
Family Education Conference

These Conferences assist families serving in Europe, Central Asia, and the Middle East by helping them to enrich and enhance the education of their children. International research suggests that difficulty with children’s adjustment often leads to families leaving their overseas post prematurely—and education is a key element.

If they receive supports in education, they can more successfully continue God’s work in their ministry of focus.

What’s Happening?

  • Family Educational conferences are hosted for families serving in the field
  • The Schlatter Family has joined as Global Servants to support this conference
  • Amanda will lead academic sessions on teaching math
  • Chris will be ministering, connecting, and providing security
  • Noah & Jonah will be typical American peer models and befriend kids from all over

How is this connected to Covenant Presbyterian Church?

August 2023, during Missions Month, two of our church supported missionaries visited Covenant to connect our congregation to the work being done in their ministry. Chris and Amanda connected with them due to a shared shared passion for education

What are the Benefits?

  • 1. Deeper personal relationships between our congregation and our supported missionaries
  • 2. Supports for missionary families in education allow them to keep serving abroad and spreading God’s word
  • 3. Sharing our talents for the overall Glory of God
  • 4. Experiences shared with those back home will broaden the reach of God’s work

How can you help?

Pray for us!

Follow the BLOG for updates

Donate! Currently we only have Venmo set up for the current mission. Venmo Handle @Amanda-Schlatter

Come along with us and share our experience….

In addition to our written updates, Jonah and Noah will be uploading videos describing their learning and experiences from the perspective of children